Movie Review: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
Briar watched a new movie today and learned how the days of the week got their names.
Hello, hello! Today was a good day, I learned a few interesting things.
At work, I had to ID a guy for a discount and had to match up the driver’s license name with the name on my screen. Well, the guy’s name was Richard, but there was no Richard on my screen. I told him:
“It doesn’t look like you are on the discount.”
“Yeah, I am. I’m Rick.”
What. Where is the “K” sound in Richard?! Rich is the nickname for Richard! At least it isn’t as bad as Bill being the nickname for William… that one still makes me scratch my head. And Bob for Robert? Smh.
Later in the day I found myself in a “did you know” fact competition with my dad. It started when my dad said:
“Did you know that Monday is called Monday because of the moon?”
“Yes, Dad, everyone knows that. Did you know that July is called July because of Julius Caeser?”
“Yes, did you know that August was called August because of Augustus Caeser?”
“Yes, did you know that month is called month because of the moon?”
“Yes, did you know Thursday was called Thursday because of Thor?”
“Huh. I did not know that.”
And that, my friends, is all it takes to do a full-on research session on mythology and how all of the days of the week got their names.
Sunday- Sun
Monday- Moon
Tuesday- Germanic god Tiw(Tiw’s day)
Wednesday- Germanic god Woden(Woden’s day)
Thursday- Norse god Thor(Thor’s day)
Friday- goddess Freya(Freya’s day)
Saturday- Roman god Saturn(Saturn’s day)
Now you know.
Then we started getting into how Greek, Roman, and Nordic gods are all the same gods with different names. We started discussing theories on how this might have come about, and before you know it, the Roman Empire got brought up, and it all went downhill from there XD. In case you don’t know about the trend:
I remember asking my little brother this question a few months ago, and in all seriousness, he said: “Probably like once a week.” 🤣
I have a movie review for you all! After dinner, we all jumped into a car and went to the movie theater. We watched The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.
The movie is based on a book and was directed by Dallas Jenkins. It was okay. I probably won’t see it again, but it wasn’t awful by any means.
The story is about a group of siblings who are all bullies and destroy everything. When they decide to join the local Christmas pageant, everyone is concerned and wants to kick them out. But that’s not the meaning of Christmas! It’s one of those predictable movies that’s occasionally funny. It's a cute story with a few good lessons woven throughout. I give it 2.5/5 stars.
On the way back, the conversation turned to Michael Jackson because he had named his son Blanket. I also learned that Michael married Lisa Presley, Elvis Presley’s daughter.
That’s all for today!
-Briar Albaugh